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​TWO FINGERSのタップリスト、イベントなどの情報をインスタグラム、フェースブック、ツイッターなどで毎日に投稿しているので、是非フォローして下さい。
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That’s right. We have a blog dedicated to explaining beer. We have teamed up with our friends at KITCHEN BROTHERS ( ) to talk about a variety of topics from the different styles, terminology, brewing techniques, and different hop and malt varieties. We update our blog twice a month with the hope of sharing with everyone a little of our understanding so that you can appreciate your next beer at a deeper level. 


Our blog series will start at the basics and gradually move onto more challenging topics. 

While veterans of craft beer might already know most of its contents, we hope that everyone can at least take away a little something from them. 


飲食店向けサイト、キッチンブラザーズ( )でクラフトビールについてのブログを掲載中です。


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